​​​​​​​​“Maneuver” Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) aka “Urban”

Firearms and small unit tactics and techniques inside and closely outside urban structures.

101 level course in your intended firearm(s).  

Bottom line: You should need no help in clearing a type 1,2 or 3 malfunction.

Course covers:
*Principles of urban combat
*From green to “grey” operations.
*Pieing, quartering corners
*One and two man room entries
*Navigating hallways, rooms and corners
*Adapting long guns to close quarters
*Strong and support side rifle shooting 
*Shooting around cover and concealment
*Combat glide
*Small unit tactics and scenario training in the urban environment
And more!

Pistols, pistol caliber rifles only for live fire. 

Airsoft and even training blue guns invited.  

200-400 rounds rifle
200-400 rounds pistol
*Depends on which you will be using more.

Gear particular to urban:
*Armor plate carriers, body armor, and helmets if you have them.
*Night observation devices (goggles) and laser designators if you have them.
*Glint tape patches should you have NODS and intend on using them.
*Weapons mounted lights

*Everything else per the standard firearms training gear list.


Shotgun 101: Introduction to the Defensive Shotgun

Prerequisites: None.  Intended for the new shotgun shooter or as a refresher course.

Topics Covered:
4 Weapons safety rules
Weapons condition of the shotgun
Mission of the shotgun
Nomenclature of the shotgun 
Fundamentals of shotgun marksmanship
Firing positions; standing, kneeling, dual kneeling, prone and urban prone
Loading/unloading with practical application
Misfire procedures w/practical application
Weapons maintenance: cleaning and lubricating

Courses of Fire and Learning Objectives:
Pattern analysis
Engage target from the standing
Engage target from the supported and unsupported kneeling
Engage target from the supported and unsupported dual kneeling
Engage target from the prone
Close with and engage target/s 

Gear List for Shotgun 101 Class:
Reliable, proven pump action or semi-automatic shotgun.
Sling: 1, 2, or 3 point. 
Small bottle of lubricant and cleaning kit.
Ammunition carrier: belt pouch, bandoleer, shell carrier, loose/pouch, etc.
Minimum of 100 12 gauge shells: recommend 2 ¾” #7 field/bird load.
Five (5) OO buck shells
Three (3) slug shells (optional)


Shotgun 202: Intermediate Defensive Shotgun Techniques

*Prerequisite: Shotgun 101 or equivalent from another institution.

Topics covered:
4 Weapons safety rules/safety brief
Fire and movement
15 degree rule 
Lateral and implicit communications
And more…

Courses of Fire and Learning Objectives: 
Engage target from cover and concealment 
Engage target from the flanks
Strong to support hand transitions
Engaging targets from the urban prone
Engaging multiple targets
Multiple fire and movement drills
Shotgun to pistol transition drills
Close with and engage target
And more…

Gear List for Shotgun 202 Class:
Reliable, proven pump action or semi-automatic shotgun.
Sling: 1, 2, or 3 point. 
Small bottle of lubricant and cleaning kit.
Ammunition carrier: belt pouch, bandoleer, shell carrier, loose/pouch, etc.
Minimum of 100 12 gauge shells: recommend 2 ¾” #7 field/bird load.
Service Pistol, holster, magazine, magazine pouches and 50 rounds for shotgun to pistol transitions


Low-Light/Night Tactics 101

Course curriculum per the Surefire Institute

Prerequisites: 101/basic level course for pistol and rifle either from TASC or another institution

Topics Covered:
Surefire® principles of low-light tactics
Hand-held flashlights with firearms techniques
Weapon-mounted lights
Tactical light risk mitigation techniques

Courses of Fire and Learning Objectives:
Pistol and hand-held light techniques: 
Harries, Surefire®, FBI, neck index and more
Rifle/Carbine and hand-held light techniques
Shotgun and hand-held light techniques
Weapons mounted tactical light techniques

Gear List for Low-Light/Night Tactics 101 Class:Service-type pistol, semi-automatic rifle, and shotgun. If you do not have one or any of these, rentals are available. At least one hand held flashlight with pressure switch (loaners available.)  Students are also offered a "taste test" of some free ammunition to try the rifle and/or shotgun portion to complete their experience.  Students are also invited to return at a later date with their new rifle or shotgun with light system free of charge.

At least three (3) magazines per applicable platform
Quality holster; Blackhawk, Serpa, Eagle, Safariland, Bianchi, etc.
Strong gun-specific belt unless holster is on your load bearing equipment.
Load-bearing equipment for your rifle magazines.
Pistol ammunition: 200 rounds 
Rifle ammunition: 100 rounds .22 LR welcome 
Shotgun ammunition: 25 shells; birdshot is OK


Small Unit Leadership Evaluation (SULE) [Soo-lee]

The Concept of Operations: 
* A rigorous crucible based around a 4-6 person fire team. 
*Each of the members gets to lead at least once as the Fire Team Leader.
*Each leader is issued a mission and aided in the mission planning by a veteran Marine and/or Soldier.
*Once the mission order is planned and rehearsed it is presented before the rest of the team.
*Each mission climaxes in a live fire, fire and movement course of fire that is rehearsed and supervised for safety.
*Once the mission is complete, the Fire Team is led back to an “Assembly Area” and a new Fire Team Leader is appointed for the next mission.
*After action evaluation and feed back by the team mentors.
*Multiple classes in the beginning for your education and safety; small unit tactics, emergency medicine/first aid, order processing and issuance.
*A lot of walking.
*A lot of exertion; you will need to be in good cardio-vascular condition. You will need to pound Gatorade throughout the trial.
*A lot of shooting; pushing your situational awareness, firearms skills, firearms and equipment to the maximum.
*Bag punching mixed in throughout to simulate hand-to-hand combat.
*Your ability to lead and follow will be strengthened under the stress of less-peaceful conditions.
*First-aid responders on scene during the entire event.

*Location will be in the San Bernardino Mountains.
*The thumbnail gear list: rifle, pistol optional, firearms supporting gear, load bearing equipment (chest rig, vest, harness, plate carrier, etc.), day/assault pack, cap, cold weather gear, weapons cleaning gear, pen/pencil, notepad, hydration source (drinking bladder, canteen, water bottles, etc.), good boots (broken in), cargo pants, long sleeve shirt  and intestinal fortitude.
*Rifle ammunition: ~100 - 200 rounds.  Steel core and tracer ammunition prohibited at Angeles. .22 Long Rifle is welcome and encouraged.
* I can provide, 550 cord, duct tape, two-way radios, lunch, dinner and other consumable items. Load bearing equipment loaners available.
*Reduced price for those wanting to attend the academic portion to observe and learn.
*Prerequisites: Rifle/Carbine 202.  


Survival in Hostile Terrain Following catastrophic events (SHTF) Seminar by the Academy of Saint Crispian

​equipment lists:

Rifle Class Equipment List:

Reliable semi-automatic, magazine-fed rifle.

Pack or book bag stuffed with towels or clothes to use as a shooting rest.

Rifle rentals $20

Sling ( 1, 2, or 3 point)

At least three (3) magazines but more recommended (the more the better).

Small bottle of lubricant and cleaning kit. 

Load bearing equipment: a belt with magazine pouches is all that is necessary.

 200 - 400 rounds of quality ammunition.  

Steel core and tracer ammunition prohibited at the Burro Canyon Shooting Park. 

.22 Long Rifle is welcome and encouraged.

Common Equipment List:

Positive mental attitude and open mind to learn new things. 

Eye protection: Shooting glasses or sunglasses will be MANDATORY

Hearing protection: ear plugs or muffs

Cargo pants or jeans

Boots or strong shoes

Water and/or sports drinks

Lunch, snacks, power bars, trail mix, etc.

Pen and notebook for nuggets of wisdom

Hat with brim (recommended)

Knee pads (recommended)


Bag or pack to hold belongings

Towel, rag, or shemagh for neck protection and general purpose

Wet/cold weather clothing when appropriate.